One thing at the moment that's getting on my nerves is the fact that shops bring out Autumn clothes in July. Why the hell do they do this? The fact that it's still summer, some people, e.g. me may still need some summer clothes. I know you're thinking "you've left it a bit late" but I went to Primark for a few more things for my holiday. The reason I went was that I saw something last week, but didn't have enough money for it so I thought I could get it another day. So when I went again in the same week and you would expect it to still be there. However, as you can tell, it wasn't. See I know British weather isn't the best, but jumpers in July is just weird. I guess you could argue that the jumpers are thin, but they definitely wouldn't suit Spanish weather. Obviously this is something to learn from, so next year I will make sure to go shopping earlier in the year. The thing is when you walk into a shop and you're there to buy what you need then you find it's not there, it is so annoying!
Last week was my first week of work experience and this week is my second. I chose to help in a nursery the first week and a hair dressers the second. See from not knowing what I want to do in life I decided to go with two totally different places. Hopefully these experiences will help in the future, as am not use too working, especially 9:30-5 pm. I advise if you haven't already done work experience to choose something that will keep you busy and that you enjoy. I think work experience is a hard thing to organise because most places only take over 16 year olds and you do the placements in year 10. I am glad I did nursery as it helped me take care of others also they were so CUTE! Apart from that I enjoyed it way more then being at school lol. We did painting, glitter and nursery rhymes ect. These photos are just to show what they got me as a thank you.
Which I think is so nice of them.