Saturday, 28 July 2018
British Weather
As most people will know Britain doesn’t always have the best weather. It’s normally known for rain, wind and cold days. This doesn’t mean that Britain doesn’t get hot weather because in summer it can get better. I thought I would talk about British weather today because it’s a common thing to talk about. Sometimes the weather is a boring subject, but whenever you see someone or meet someone you always talk about the weather. For example, you talk about the weather when planning things or you talk about the weather when there’s nothing else to talk about. It’s a general subject that is just easier to talk about. People complain about British weather all the time. "It's too cold". "It's too hot". The thing is unlike hot countries we don't have air conditioning or pools in our gardens. I think the weather isn't that much of a big deal it just depends what you're doing during the day because we all know that the weather can change and ruin your day in seconds. I just can't believe how great the weather has been recently, it's been hot for ages. Personally, I think that's it now because I can't wait for Autumn.
Friday, 13 July 2018
Film review: Adrift
Adrift is an incredible film, it's emotional, dramatic and a true story. I am so glad I saw this film. It's weird because I had heard of it but hadn't seen that trailer so I didn't really know what to expect. The film shows what this woman went through and in detail. The way it was filmed was great and the actors were fantastic. It was interesting to watch, but upsetting to think that someone had been through something like this.
It was released 29th of June 2018 in the UK and is a 12A. The genre is action/adventure/drama and it ran for 1 hour, 36 minutes.
An engaged couple were on a boat trip together, they were in love and didn't know what was coming. They were sailing and one day the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history hit them. The woman was inside the cabin and when she woke up it took all her might and bravery to survive. She was adrift for 41 days.
I would definitely see this if I was you, but maybe take a pack of tissues. I rate this a 5 out of 5 stars.
It was released 29th of June 2018 in the UK and is a 12A. The genre is action/adventure/drama and it ran for 1 hour, 36 minutes.
An engaged couple were on a boat trip together, they were in love and didn't know what was coming. They were sailing and one day the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history hit them. The woman was inside the cabin and when she woke up it took all her might and bravery to survive. She was adrift for 41 days.
I would definitely see this if I was you, but maybe take a pack of tissues. I rate this a 5 out of 5 stars.
Monday, 9 July 2018
Film review: Tag
You may be thinking why do another film review, especially when this film has been out for nearly 2 weeks. Well, surprisingly, I like to write them and I go to the cinema a lot. Anyways, the film Tag came out on the 29th of June 2018 in the UK. It is 1 hour and 40 minutes long, rated 15 and is a comedy.
I wanted to go and see this film because who doesn't love a comedy? Also, because it was such a weird story line I thought it would be amusing to see what happened. It was very funny due to the genre, so it was made to be like that, but also because it's just funny to think at a group of people play tag or tig (as we called) every year and it was a true story.
The story is about a group of men who have a game of tag every year, which has happened since they were kids. The game of tag in their words 'keeps them close'. The story is so random that I didn't believe it was true until the end where you see footage of the real people. The main characters are the 5 guys who play the game of tag, each character has a different life which you see though out which helps show why they decided to play the game. It's a bit of fun and makes life more interesting.
I really enjoyed this film, personally I think it was better than Ocean's 8 however, I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. I recommend to anyone really because it's just a laugh, obviously over the age of 15 :)
Monday, 25 June 2018
Film review: Ocean's 8
The film that I am reviewing today as you can see from the title is Ocean's 8. It was released in the UK on the 18th of June 2018 and is 1 hour and 50 minutes long. Age rating is 12A and genre is crime/action/comedy.
When I first saw the trailer I thought it looked interesting which it was. It's interesting as you get to see the crime in detail, how it's done and what each character does to make it successful. There wasn't a lot of comedy, but it didn't matter because it still was worth watching. I don't think the film has a meaning, but I don't think it's that type of film.
The plot is about a group of people who plan to steal some really expensive jewellery. Obviously there is more to it, but I don't want to want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it. The plot definitely makes sense, at first I didn't know what was going on but as the film went on it became more clear. The main characters are the 8 people in the group who steal the jewellery that's why it's called Ocean's 8. The ocean comes from the last name of the women who comes up with the plan in the first place. All characters were played very well and each character had a different personality which helps with the story line.
Overall, I really enjoyed the film and would rate it 4 out of 5 stars. I would definitely recommend to 13+ but it won't be everyone's cup of tea so check the trailer out.
When I first saw the trailer I thought it looked interesting which it was. It's interesting as you get to see the crime in detail, how it's done and what each character does to make it successful. There wasn't a lot of comedy, but it didn't matter because it still was worth watching. I don't think the film has a meaning, but I don't think it's that type of film.
The plot is about a group of people who plan to steal some really expensive jewellery. Obviously there is more to it, but I don't want to want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it. The plot definitely makes sense, at first I didn't know what was going on but as the film went on it became more clear. The main characters are the 8 people in the group who steal the jewellery that's why it's called Ocean's 8. The ocean comes from the last name of the women who comes up with the plan in the first place. All characters were played very well and each character had a different personality which helps with the story line.
Overall, I really enjoyed the film and would rate it 4 out of 5 stars. I would definitely recommend to 13+ but it won't be everyone's cup of tea so check the trailer out.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Leaving school
I have officially left school. No more early mornings. 11 weeks until college. A great summer ahead of me. I can't believe that's it. So many memories from the past 5 years. I am so happy all my exams are done and now I can focus on nothing... just relax. It felt different to how I thought it would. I thought it was going to be a big deal, but thankfully not. Obviously I will miss school sometimes, mainly just my friends, but we will stay in touch. Everyone has their own opinion on school, but most people can't wait to leave. What about you? I think change is a good thing, especially never having to study Macbeth ever again. I just hope that this summer goes slower than normal, so it can be the best summer ever.
Friday, 25 May 2018
2 weeks gone 2 more to go
It's finally the week off. I am so glad and yes, I still have to revise but I can relax. These last two weeks have made me realise how hard it is having exams nearly every day. It's weird how these GCSE's impacts your future. I am not that worried because I can retake them and I don't mind doing BTEC's instead of A-levels at college. These last two weeks went so fast and I can't wait to break off for summer. Hopefully once I break off I can do more posts. The best thing to do when you get home and have finished an exam is to throw away any work or revision of that subject. I know that not everyone does this, but it helps with putting my room back to normal. I can't wait till my room looks clean and free from work. It's a good feeling to just forget about the work you have done in the exam and just know you have done your best. I hate the fact we don't get course work anymore. The whole new system is stupid really, but what can we do except get on with it. At least it's not just one city, it's the full country. I want to know why they changed it from A,B,C to 9,8,7... it is annoying and weird. Everyone understood the old grading and now there is a confusion. Say you come out with 5's, people are going to think that's bad because it's out of 9 but a 5 is a C. Anyway, lets hope this week goes slow so I can get a lot of sleep and see my friends.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Exams in a week
What do I do to relax? With exams in a week I thought I would share with you things that I do to prepare myself. Yes, I am nervous but I believe I will be okay. Yes, I struggle with some subjects, but everyone has weaknesses. Anyway the main thing I do to prepare for an exam is getting enough sleep. I go to bed no later than 21:30 because it means I can wake up feeling happy and ready for the day. I obviously revise but no more than 2 hours a night with breaks. This helps information stay in your brain and means you don't over work yourself. When you think about it you already do revision at school so over 2 hours is too much. I also make sure I drink enough. Keeping hydrated is meant to help you concentrate more and just keeps you healthy in general especially in summer. The last thing I do is, keep to a timetable this means that you will be less stressed and you can fit more things in. With planning you know what to do next and don't waste precious time. That's about it really, just keep in mind that at the end of the day your doing you're best. I hope that everyone else out there who have exams coming up do amazing and relax (to an extent).
Thursday, 3 May 2018
April favourites
So my first ever favourites! What to include? I have chosen things that I have been loving this month and things I thought you may want to know about. There are a couple of things that I haven't necessarily used every day, but have still made a big impact on my life. Enjoy :)
Collection Pressed Powder
This is the collection pressed powder in the colour ivory, number 18. It is 17 g and costs £1.99. This is a really nice cheap powder that is great to set your makeup. I love it so much and ever since I found it, I have used it when wearing makeup. I believe it is the lightest one they do and is a handy size just to pop in your bag.
Wella Professionals EIMI Thermal Image Spray
The amazing heat protection spray that smells gorgeous. This is the Wella Professionals EIMI Thermal Image Spray. It is 150 ml and can be bought for under £10. I got this when working in the hairdressers but every time I get my hair cut, I buy another bottle as it's so good. This product helps your hair stay in great condition and shine.
Batiste Tropical Dry Shampoo
I always have dry shampoo at home, but the one I have been using this month and is now my favourite is the Batiste tropical instant hair refresh. It smells fresh and exotic. This product isn't tested on animals and is the UK's no. 1 dry shampoo. I bought the 200 ml bottle from Superdrug for £2.99 and I love how I can make my hair look 10 times better in a matter of minutes.
Imperial Leather Foamburst Body Wash
Luxurious. Pampering. Cherry blossom and vanilla body wash. What do I love about this? Well, I tell you now, if you buy this you will never go back to normal body wash. This is in foam form and leaves skin really soft. It's wonderful and lasts a long time. You can buy it from most supermarkets for £2.00 and is 200 ml.
Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Visibly Clear Facial Wash
As you can see I have used nearly all of this sweet smelling facial wash. It helps eliminate spots and blackheads with a fresh clean feel. I got this from Superdrug and is £4.99 and 200 ml, but definitely worth it. I like the fact it is refreshing and gently purifies the skin without over drying it.
Johnson & Johnson, Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Control Treatment Gel
With fast action it reduces spots in under 4 hours. It clears and prevents spots and is oil free. I love this product because it works really well. I normally put it on at night even though the gel itself is clear once dry. I have known about it for longer than a month, but have started using it regularly, especially after makeup days.
W7 Colour Me Nude Eye Palette
This palette I got as present, but I have only just started using it and I don't see why I didn't start earlier. It has some pretty pink/nude colours that are great for any event. It's 15.6 g and can be bought for under £5.00 or in a set for £10.00. I love the smooth texture and lasts all day.
Lipstick Stand
I bought this off Amazon and it was very cheap. It has 24 spaces and is great for storage. I don't really have much to say about this. It's practical and useful. I am very glad I got it as it makes my makeup look more organised.
Sparkle Candles
I just had to include these as they're so cute. They are from Asda and were a good price. The sparkle is the best bit as it fits in with my bedroom, but they do smell good as well.

...And that's it.
This is the collection pressed powder in the colour ivory, number 18. It is 17 g and costs £1.99. This is a really nice cheap powder that is great to set your makeup. I love it so much and ever since I found it, I have used it when wearing makeup. I believe it is the lightest one they do and is a handy size just to pop in your bag.
Wella Professionals EIMI Thermal Image Spray
Batiste Tropical Dry Shampoo
I always have dry shampoo at home, but the one I have been using this month and is now my favourite is the Batiste tropical instant hair refresh. It smells fresh and exotic. This product isn't tested on animals and is the UK's no. 1 dry shampoo. I bought the 200 ml bottle from Superdrug for £2.99 and I love how I can make my hair look 10 times better in a matter of minutes.
Imperial Leather Foamburst Body Wash
Luxurious. Pampering. Cherry blossom and vanilla body wash. What do I love about this? Well, I tell you now, if you buy this you will never go back to normal body wash. This is in foam form and leaves skin really soft. It's wonderful and lasts a long time. You can buy it from most supermarkets for £2.00 and is 200 ml.
As you can see I have used nearly all of this sweet smelling facial wash. It helps eliminate spots and blackheads with a fresh clean feel. I got this from Superdrug and is £4.99 and 200 ml, but definitely worth it. I like the fact it is refreshing and gently purifies the skin without over drying it.
Johnson & Johnson, Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Control Treatment Gel
This palette I got as present, but I have only just started using it and I don't see why I didn't start earlier. It has some pretty pink/nude colours that are great for any event. It's 15.6 g and can be bought for under £5.00 or in a set for £10.00. I love the smooth texture and lasts all day.
I bought this off Amazon and it was very cheap. It has 24 spaces and is great for storage. I don't really have much to say about this. It's practical and useful. I am very glad I got it as it makes my makeup look more organised.
Sparkle Candles
I just had to include these as they're so cute. They are from Asda and were a good price. The sparkle is the best bit as it fits in with my bedroom, but they do smell good as well.
...And that's it.
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Beautiful weather
Monday, 9 April 2018
Little update
I know it's been long (sorry) but I didn't do a post with the fact that in the 2 weeks off from school, I was revising and went away. So I thought I would just do a quick little update. Right, what have I been up too? I went away with my close friend, we stayed near the beach and had a lovely time. We had time to shop and just have a couple of days to chill. I also went on a weekend away with my family and my dog. It was a very different experience as Bailey (my dog) had never stayed in a hotel before. It was my idea as I thought it would be good to get out and do something we can't always do. We went on a lovely walk in the countryside and enjoyed our stay. I had a couple of days at school for revision and went out with friends when we weren't all busy. Overall the 2 weeks off were great. However it definitely went to fast. Apart from the two weeks off nothing big has happened really. So that's it.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Being unsure
This time of the year a lot of teens all over the world will be unsure like me. You may be unsure about what college to go to or what courses? Or even if you want to go to college? Being unsure can happen anytime. Finding your dream is hard and not knowing is even harder. I feel lost at times because I think to myself what do I like and sometimes the answer is nothing depending on what mood I am in. There may also be times of being unsure with school, why am I here? How will it help me? First of all there isn’t any point in me ranting about school as it has to happen, it’s a part of life and it would take years of debates to decide if it’s right or not. School is something most find unfair and others find useful but what about us? The ones who don’t know what comes next after school. Being unsure isn’t a bad thing, it just make the path a bit longer. However, not everyone’s dreams come true making the paths more hilly. Paths are like your life journey from finding yourself to having the dream life you want. The path could be long as learning from mistakes takes time and the hills are obstacles in your journey. As you may know I am at school and I am unsure of what will come next. Yes I have ideas but are they the right path for me? Like I said being unsure isn’t a bad thing so if you feel the same your not alone. And if you have a plan go for it and I hope all goes well.
Friday, 2 March 2018
Feeling rubbish
Everybody has those days. Those days where everything is annoying. I know this definitely isn't the worst day of my life as there has been harder ones and in future there will be more to come, but as a teenager or even an adult there are days that just make you feel rubbish. Well, today is one of those days, nothing horrendous has happened, but it's just the little things. Firstly, my math test results. I revised using them tips from last week and I can tell you they have made things easier. However, some subjects are easier to revise for than others. I thought I had done okay because I am normally good at maths but maybe I need to reconsider how to revise for maths. See mind maps and flash cards are good every subject but maths. Maths is all about working out. Also I don’t feel well. I just know that everybody has these days and wanted people to know you're not alone. So my plan, have a nice bath, write this and read before bed. Hopefully I will feel better in the morning.
Monday, 26 February 2018
Revision tips
With my GCSE's this year I obviously knew that I would have mocks, but I didn't think they would be this trying. It's the fact you have so much revision to do in little time. I hate revision. It's a thing that I can't be bothered to do, like homework. It's just so boring. However, with the fact I want to do well, I have started to revise and these tips work for me. So here are my top 5.
1. Start early.
What I mean by this is not 6 in the morning, but around 12 (after lunch). You may be thinking that's not early, but with step 2 it should explain why it's okay.
2. Don't do any more then 2 hours with 10 minute breaks.
This means if you start at 12 you will have enough time to go out for the night.
3. Make revision cards.
If you were to just write full sentence you're not going to be able to remember everything. Making little cards will be useful to take with you anywhere so you can go over the main points. Also little cards are a lot smaller to carry than big thick books.
4. Use colours.
This to a lot of people may be stupid, but really it's great. The colours help things standout, but mainly I use them as a key to link things together. Also, it makes things neater and fun.
5. Stick revision notes around the house.
I love this idea as you could be putting your shoes on and be reading something useful. This works well as it means you could revise at anytime and anywhere in the house. If you put them in common places as well, you're more likely to remember them because you will read them more.
1. Start early.
What I mean by this is not 6 in the morning, but around 12 (after lunch). You may be thinking that's not early, but with step 2 it should explain why it's okay.

This means if you start at 12 you will have enough time to go out for the night.
3. Make revision cards.
If you were to just write full sentence you're not going to be able to remember everything. Making little cards will be useful to take with you anywhere so you can go over the main points. Also little cards are a lot smaller to carry than big thick books.
4. Use colours.
This to a lot of people may be stupid, but really it's great. The colours help things standout, but mainly I use them as a key to link things together. Also, it makes things neater and fun.
5. Stick revision notes around the house.
I love this idea as you could be putting your shoes on and be reading something useful. This works well as it means you could revise at anytime and anywhere in the house. If you put them in common places as well, you're more likely to remember them because you will read them more.
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Pancake day
Just before I start to talk about pancake day, I would like to just say that these blogs have been, up to now, on Monday's at 5 pm. This might change for a couple of reasons, the main one is revision. When starting this I didn't realise how time consuming revision is but I am determined to carry on doing blogs because I enjoy it.
Anyways, Pancake day. Don't you just love it. I know you can make and eat pancakes whenever you want throughout the year, but pancake day gives you a reason to eat as many as you like without feeling bad. Today I had revision at school, which started at 10 am and even though I like sleep, I got up to be able to make pancake's. I think the best part of pancake's isn't the taste or toppings, it's making them. Even though I am not the best at making them perfectly shaped, I think the flipping part is so funny. I had a test run before making the pancake in this photo and I can tell you now, I am glad I did. Once the pancake was ready to be flipped, me being an idiot, flipped the pancake way to high and it landed on the floor. Thankfully from that stupid mistake I didn't flip the next one as high which made a really good pancake (as shown in this photo).

Monday, 29 January 2018
School uniform
My view on school uniform is a long list as there's so many things that I don't like about it, but at the same time there is a couple of good things. See with school uniform you don't get pointed out as much because when you think about it you all look the same if you know what I mean. School uniform is so uncomfortable, it's got nothing soft or baggy about it. The blazer is thick and I would definitely rather be wearing a dressing gown, but wouldn't everyone? I think the fact it doesn't, let us express ourselves at all is annoying, but I guess you could get more bullying as people judge. We're not even allowed to wear comfy shoes, I know school shoes look smart, but we would work better in something that made us feel better. I guess there's the distractions. Even if some little, things changed. Maybe a jacket instead of a blazer, something simple that's nice to wear. We're not even allow to have non-school uniform days anymore unless it's for a really important charity or occasion. It's stupid people get taken out of class for having an ear piecing or hair colour that school don't allow. So someone misses there learning because of it. They could just have a different punishment because they could get the piecing at the start of summer, but they can't take it out, it's not going to hurt anyone. I think the thing is whatever school uniform is, not everyone will agree.
Monday, 15 January 2018
Music I like at the moment
Music plays a big part in my life. I love to sing, I do GCSE Music and I listen to music a lot. You may think that doing a blog on music is a bit random but it was going to happen sometime soon because there's so many great songs out there that I love (in my opinion). I like a bit of everything to be fair. And if you were to ask me a question like, what rapping songs do you like? I would only know one or two lol. My thoughts on songs change all the time one minute I will love it and the next I wont like it anymore. Anyway, I thought I would go though my favourite playlist which has 8 songs on, I like to listen to at the moment. I normally update this when better songs are released or sometimes I might find a old song I like and add that.
This is Me:
This song is the most recent song I have added to my favourite playlist. This is me is from the film the greatest showman and even though I haven't seen the film I love the song. It has such a great meaning behind it. Be who you are because you are great no matter what. The lyrics are really good and link to the film.
All Day All Night & Personal:
I came across these songs while on Instagram. My first reactions were to dance. There both up beat and catchy.
Havana & Anywhere:
Great to sing along to.
When we were young:
I like this because unlike the others it's slow and classic.
Little bit leave it:
A bit different, had a laugh while trying to learn this.
Stuck in the middle:
It's old but still a great song. I like the start of it as the piano starts with a catchy tune and it's a song where you don't really need to know the words because you can just make them up lol.
This is Me:
This song is the most recent song I have added to my favourite playlist. This is me is from the film the greatest showman and even though I haven't seen the film I love the song. It has such a great meaning behind it. Be who you are because you are great no matter what. The lyrics are really good and link to the film.
All Day All Night & Personal:
I came across these songs while on Instagram. My first reactions were to dance. There both up beat and catchy.
Havana & Anywhere:
Great to sing along to.
When we were young:
I like this because unlike the others it's slow and classic.
Little bit leave it:
A bit different, had a laugh while trying to learn this.
Stuck in the middle:
It's old but still a great song. I like the start of it as the piano starts with a catchy tune and it's a song where you don't really need to know the words because you can just make them up lol.
Monday, 8 January 2018
Leaving things last minute
It can't be just me that leaves things last minute. I think a lot more people do it than you think. I bet people who are normally organised still have times where they're doing homework or coursework last minute. The thing is I know I am doing more often than I want. With it just been Christmas and new year I haven't done any work until yesterday and we go back to school tomorrow. Now when I think back to the holidays I believe there will have been times when I could have done it but haven't. Homework over the holidays is a bit much, especially when it's not just one piece it's 4 including revision. Anyways, what I want to know is who has exams on the first days back of school? Well, I do. I know am in year 11 but still the first days back, when we're catching up with friends and getting back into routine. See the difference between leaving things till late minute and not could be having a month to do something or doing as much as you can in the 2 hours you have before it's meant to be handed in. A good thing is that I am definitely not as bad as that example I just gave you. If I had a month I would end up doing it in a week. Sometimes it doesn't bother me, it just depends on what work I have to do. Like today I spent half the day doing science revision, so that at school tomorrow when we have the test I can get a good grade from it. The thing with spending half the day doing revision means that I don't have a lot of time to go out or spend time doing other things. I suggest to you guys to not follow in my footsteps and do the work as soon as you get it lol.
Monday, 1 January 2018
Wanting a lazy day
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